Where u at :O

Greetings humans, I have dissapeared for a very long time … last post was back in E paper Kiosk : 2022-08-28

I’ve been dealing with alot of stuff that happened in the year of 2023; Firstly I got a JOB … In this economy of layoffs and all I somehow was lucky enough to get one although not in my field Devops Engineer still something that interests me, As this blog and all the infrastructure I have keeping this website running is my passion project.

What I’ve been doing

The new work being a corporate job, I was trying to learn how to fix my schedules (As its fully Remote) I have completly wrecked my sleep schedule and my daily cycling habit which I have started in 2020 was shattered, I have been seriously addicted to playing games like Overwatch 2 and Destiny which led to Stupidly insane amount of time being wasted … maybe not wasted as I did have some fun but nevertheless Hours of time just spent playing the same matches and stuff felt like a chore more than having fun.

So 2023 was entirely spent on learning alot of things related to my new work field such as Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible and other stuff. So yeah… pretty cool stuff.

So 2024 was me basically realising how much time I have wasted due to lack of motivation, I found out this happens due to low Vitamin D. I have decided to change and have gotten my first certification CKA :D

Vlogging adventures

Checkout the seperate page on vlogs

I have started travelling between cities for events especially Bengaluru, here are the vlogs for two times I’ve visited Bengaluru.

Homelabbing Adventures

Another thing that happened in Late 2023, Early 2024 was Oracle Free tier account of mine being deleted. This website was hosted as a container on the Free tier ARM instances.

Currently this server is running on a kubernetes cluster on my homelab setup.

├── homelab.local (Raspberry Pi 4)
├── pi3dev.local (Raspberry Pi 3)
└── pidev.local (Raspberry Pi 4)

Cloudflare tunnels to proxy from home network to well prashantnook.in.

I am currently writing a post regarding my homelab setup where I will be going about this in more detail.

Future plans?

Currently I have a bunch of plans which I want to try and bunch of abandonned projects which needs some revival.

Bunch of plans

  • Learning Golang

    Since Most of all the tools and stuff in devops are written in golang I’d like be able to contribute to some of them in future

  • Out of India trips ( Hong Kong )

    I want to explore places outside India , Recently I’ve met an amazingly cool person who I would love to meet and explore the Urbanscape of Hong Kong and Shenzen (Electornics bby)

Bunch of abandonned projects

  • Rewriting pacchubot in golang

    This comes as a plan to learn golang, This seems like the best place to play around with APIs and building stuff.

  • Building an FPV Drone

    This has been a project which was in my mind since a very long time… during the chip shortage I was unable to find components and lack of money :<

  • Self built Networked Multiplayer game

    I’ve always wanted to build a multiplayer game, I would like to learn how networking works in depth mainly in multiplayer games.

Thats all I’ve got for now, Stay tuned for the homelab blog post or video :>